I learned about encaustic painting in just the past few years. There were a few artists who I met at fairs who were using this ancient medium and I was really curious. So I ordered a how to book on Amazon, paints from R&F Paints and decided to give it a whirl.
Here is a
small history lesson on
encaustic painting... also known as hot wax painting, involves using heated beeswax to which colored pigments are added. The liquid/paste is then applied to a surface—usually prepared wood, though canvas and other materials are often used. The simplest encaustic mixture can be made from adding pigments to beeswax, but there are several other recipes that can be used — some containing other types of waxes, damar resin, linseed oil, or other ingredients. Pure, powdered pigments can be purchased and used, though some mixtures use oil paints or other forms of pigment. Metal tools and special brushes can be used to shape the paint before it cools, or heated metal tools can be used to manipulate the wax once it has cooled onto the surface. Today, tools such as heat lamps, heat guns, and other methods of applying heat allow artists to extend the amount of time they have to work with the material. Because wax is used as the pigment binder, encaustics can be sculpted as well as painted. Other materials can be encased or collaged into the surface, or layered, using the encaustic medium to adhere it to the surface.
I kept my encaustic experiments very simple but wanted to take it to the next level. So, this past weekend I traveled to Kingston , N.Y. to
R&F Paints to take a 1 day intensive workshop at their paint factory. I am ha

ppy to report that I taught myself well but I learned many more techniques and amazing tricks that I am so excited to put into my artwork. I was most excited to use all of their paints for freely before committing to buying a color online. The paints are quite expensive and it is always difficult to determine the actual color.

Our teacher Cynthia Winika
The factory only produces one color a day.

Pretty colors!